Sunday, January 25, 2009

Parents of the Year Corn

As my friends have all heard, I excitedly stumbled upon blog after blog on my Saturday night only to land with the truly-a-gem in my precious hands.

Said blog had a little ditty called "Lazy Mom Confessions," ,

the byline of which read "I sometimes let my son eat food that the dogs have licked because I'm too lazy to make more."
The forum also states that "In order to protect the identities of the moms involved (and to ensure that social services aren't called -- just kidding), I'm not using any names." I was just thinking the other day that people need to chill the fuck out and stop protecting children and start protecting parents, because it just seems more important.
Was my mom's gourmet burger with crumbled feta cheese really just a meat patty she dropped in the litter box and was too lazy to brush off, let alone make a new, safe food item?
Maybe I can't relate because I don't have kids and maybe I've been eating food licked by the fucking dog for 23 years, but......well, yeah.

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